PA Virtual School Newsroom

Blog Feature

Cyber High School

Multiple Paths to Graduation

High school is an important time for children. It’s where children make lifelong friends, memories, and decisions on what they’ll do as they begin adulthood. For many families, the traditional high school format may not fit their child’s needs. Parents now have various educational choices for their young adult, including charter schools and cyber charter schools. Not only will these schools provide your child with a valid diploma, but they can also provide the challenge, support, flexibility and involvement your family is looking for. This post will explore reasons why families choose cyber charter school education and the kinds of students who attend these schools.

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Blog Feature

Cyber High School

Do Cyber Students Go to College?

Do cyber students go to college? The short answer - YES! Just like many high school students, cyber school students DO go to college after they graduate. Parents often wonder how their child’s school will prepare them for post-graduation success, no matter which model of education they choose. In this post, we will explore how cyber students prepare for college, the resources available to PA Virtual Charter School students, and the success of our students.

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Blog Feature

Cyber High School

How to Graduate High School Early

Graduating high school early might seem like an elite opportunity that only straight-A students with 4.0 GPAs can attain. However, it's much more common (and easier!) than you think. All students need to do is to meet their school’s specific criteria to graduate early.

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Blog Feature

Cyber High School

Day in the Life of a High School Cyber Student

What does a "typical day" look like for a pa high school cyber student? We asked to hear from our students, in their own words. Here is ninth grader, Javier Pitre's honest and comedic narrative of what a "typical" day in school looks like for him.

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