PA Virtual School Newsroom

Blog Feature

About Cyber Education  |  Cyber High School

Why Should I Choose a Cyber School?

Cyber school has become more prolific in the past few years, and families all across Pennsylvania have discovered the benefits of virtual learning. Parent Ambassador Regional Coordinator and former PA Virtual parent Cindy explores the top 4 reasons why you should choose an online school — especially a cyber charter school!

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Blog Feature

About Cyber Education  |  Cyber High School

8 Classes You Didn't Know You Could Take in Cyber High School

Coding, astronomy, writing — oh my! Think that cyber charter school is only about the core classes? Not so! We offer plenty of additional courses to help students explore their interests. Read on for 8 classes that you didn't know we offered at our cyber high school!

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Blog Feature

Cyber High School

How Hard is it to Homeschool a 12th Grade Student?

Is your high school student looking to explore options other than the traditional classroom? Are you, as a parent, a little nervous about the thought of homeschooling your student? Take a deep breath… You have options, and they don’t have to be scary! In this post, we will explore what is involved with being the parent of a high school student who is engaging in home-based learning, including homeschooling and virtual charter schools.

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Blog Feature

Cyber High School

What is a Good Alternative for High School?

A good high school education is critical for young adults whether they plan to enter the workforce, join the military, or enroll in a college or university. Whatever your child's post-secondary plans, a high-quality high school education lays the foundation for developing the skills necessary to succeed post-graduation. The local district high school is not the perfect learning environment for every student. Some students require a different option. You may be wondering, "What is a good alternative for high school?" This blog will explore the benefits of cyber charter schools and why they might be a good fit for your child.

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Blog Feature

About Cyber Education  |  Cyber High School

Should I Take High School Online?

Gone are the days where the vast majority of students in a town attend the same high school based simply on their addresses. Though some students may have attended a private school, the price of tuition put the option out of reach for most families. With such limited choices, students and families were caught between their local school district and the high prices of private school. Fortunately, today, students have tuition-free options. You may be curious about whether attending high school online is a good opportunity for you. Look through the information and questions below and ask yourself if an online high school is a good fit for you. First, let’s start with some basics.

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Blog Feature

About Cyber Education  |  Cyber High School

How Does Online High School Work?

If you are thinking of making the jump to cyber school, you are probably feeling a mixture of excitement, confusion, and anticipation. What if it isn’t the right fit for you? How will you communicate with the teacher? Will you meet other students? And the big question is ‘How does online high school work?’ Will you have a schedule? Do you have to go to class? How will they know if you are ‘in’ school? How will you submit your assignments? How do you get help if you have a question? These are all valid questions since cyber schooling is a relatively new concept. Cyber schools take the concepts that work in your traditional district school and add tweaks to meet the unique needs of students. You will find that the flexibility of cyber schools will allow you to live your life while at the same time earning a top-notch high school education.

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