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Helping Your Child Adjust to Cyber School Mid-Year: A Guide for Parents

Helping Your Child Adjust to Cyber School Mid-Year: A Guide for Parent...

Transitioning to a cyber school mid-year can be challenging, but students can thrive in their new learning environment with the proper support. Whether your child is in elementary, middle, or high school, adjusting to an online school like Pennsylvania Virtual Charter School (PA Virtual) requires ...
Why Cyber Education Can Be Perfect for PA Middle School Students

Why Cyber Education Can Be Perfect for PA Middle School Students

We saw a significant boom in virtual learning during COVID. Here we sit, several years later, and that boom is still radiating through the educational environment. Many schools took this opportunity to develop and solidify their own virtual platforms. While this growth is commendable, it also ...
Thriving Together: How PA Virtual Builds Connections and Community in a Virtual Classroom

Thriving Together: How PA Virtual Builds Connections and Community in ...

Community and connection are essential for student success and engagement in an online learning environment. Unlike traditional classrooms, virtual schools present unique challenges and exciting opportunities for students to interact, collaborate, and build relationships. At PA Virtual, creating a ...
How to communicate Effectively, Virtually!

How to communicate Effectively, Virtually!

Believe it or not, the game of Marco Polo works well both in and out of the pool. Being in a virtual environment requires you to communicate with your student’s educational stakeholders consistently. This ranges from simple check-ins (Marco!) to ensuring you are heading in the right direction ...
Maintaining Your New Year's Resolutions: Don't Give Up!

Maintaining Your New Year's Resolutions: Don't Give Up!

As we move further into the year, the initial enthusiasm for New Year's resolutions can start to wane. It's common to face hurdles that make it tempting to give up on your goals. Whether you're a student aiming for better grades, a teacher setting professional development targets, a parent striving ...
Why Was It So Cold in Pennsylvania Today!? Understanding the Polar Vortex

Why Was It So Cold in Pennsylvania Today!? Understanding the Polar Vor...

Hey PA Virtual! As Pennsylvania residents faced frigid single-digit temperatures last night and early this morning. Many of us are wondering why it was so unusually cold. Sure, Pennsylvania does absolutely get those biting cold nights but getting close to 0 degrees is always a bit alarming. ...

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