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Celebrating Women Educators for Women's History Month

Celebrating Women Educators for Women's History Month

March is Women's History Month, a time to recognize and celebrate the achievements of women who have shaped our world. At PA Virtual Charter School, we honor the incredible contributions of women educators who have dedicated their lives to inspiring and empowering students.
Easy Stargazing Opportunities for Pennsylvania Families

Easy Stargazing Opportunities for Pennsylvania Families

Astronomical viewing is a fantastic way to step outside and experience the wonders of the night sky. Celestial objects and their positions are constantly shifting, offering new sights to discover throughout the year
Celebrating Read Across America Week

Celebrating Read Across America Week

At PA Virtual Charter School, we believe that reading is the foundation of lifelong learning. As we celebrate Read Across America Week, we take the opportunity to highlight the importance of literacy, share engaging activities, and showcase how our virtual learning environment supports students on ...
How Cyber School can be Perfect for your Advanced Learner

How Cyber School can be Perfect for your Advanced Learner

One advantage to cyber education is the learning styles they can provide. Here at PA Virtual we offer live classes with students and teachers (also known as sync learning) and classes where students work at their own pace with guidance from a teacher (also known as async). This blog post will focus ...
Helping Your Child Adjust to Cyber School Mid-Year: A Guide for Parents

Helping Your Child Adjust to Cyber School Mid-Year: A Guide for Parent...

Transitioning to a cyber school mid-year can be challenging, but students can thrive in their new learning environment with the proper support. Whether your child is in elementary, middle, or high school, adjusting to an online school like Pennsylvania Virtual Charter School (PA Virtual) requires ...
Why Cyber Education Can Be Perfect for PA Middle School Students

Why Cyber Education Can Be Perfect for PA Middle School Students

We saw a significant boom in virtual learning during COVID. Here we sit, several years later, and that boom is still radiating through the educational environment. Many schools took this opportunity to develop and solidify their own virtual platforms. While this growth is commendable, it also ...

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