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Taking Breaks Can Change Everything

Taking Breaks Can Change Everything

Sitting in one spot for hours on end can really test our limits, both mentally and physically. We’ve all been there, staring at a screen or multiple books, feeling the fog roll in, making it harder to concentrate, and, let’s be honest, making us a bit cranky. That’s where sensory breaks can come in ...
Parent Ambassador - Study Tips and Tricks

Parent Ambassador - Study Tips and Tricks

Hey PA Virtual! School is well on its way as we move through the Autumn months of the year. Many of our students have already had their first major quizzes, tests, and projects. School can be intimidating and it can get overwhelming quickly right? Not to worry - thanks to the collective efforts of ...
Gamification in the Classroom and Around the World

Gamification in the Classroom and Around the World

Over the past few years, Gamification has undoubtedly become a buzzword echoed through the hallways in the world of education. The opportunities to enhance learner success is magnified through incorporating the concept of gamification into curriculum and lessons. Gamification is a door opener for ...
PA Virtual Clubs of the Month [September]

PA Virtual Clubs of the Month [September]

As we finish up our first month back at school, it's been awesome to see how quick everyone has jumped back into learning and also to our outings and picnics! For those who are new to PA Virtual Charter School, we’ve got a whole bunch of clubs, over 30, in fact. For those who are not new but ...
What Does a Live Cyber Class Look Like at PA Virtual Charter School?

What Does a Live Cyber Class Look Like at PA Virtual Charter School?

School in the Digital Age: Extra Resources to Enhance Your Learning

School in the Digital Age: Extra Resources to Enhance Your Learning

Greetings young learners, supportive parents, and guardians! Today, we're diving into the world of extra resources for online learners. It seems there are virtual resources everywhere but which ones are tried and true? No worries as we'll answer that question for you in this blog. I've taken the ...

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