Cyber Charter School Blog

PA Virtual School Newsroom

Blog Feature

Quick Tips in Education

Dive into Adventure: Summer Reading Recommendations Part 1

As the sun casts its warm glow and school bells fade into memory, the long days of summer beckon children to embark on thrilling adventures, and they can do that within the pages of a good book. Summer reading isn't just about maintaining academic skills; it's an opportunity for children to explore new worlds, ignite their imaginations, and foster a lifelong love for literature. In this blog, we'll delve into a selection of captivating books recommended by PA Virtual staff that promise to enchant young readers throughout the summer months.

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Blog Feature

About Cyber Education  |  Did You Know?  |  Quick Tips in Education

Unleashing Your Inner Hero: The Power of Kinesthetic Learning

In the grand adventure of school-life, imagine each student as a unique superhero, with their own impressive superpower guiding their journey of discovery. We're the HQ for these heroes, and today we're shouting out our kinesthetic learners, those dynamic movers and shakers who grasp the world with hands-on action - truly, they learn by leaping! Every student's superpower is distinct, lighting up their educational path with limitless possibilities, don't think we've forgotten about the other types of learners (we'll cover those in future blogs!). Our mission? To celebrate and elevate these talents, helping every young hero to explore, learn, and flourish, whether through dance, sports, experiments, or art. Think of us as the sidekicks, providing the gadgets and encouragement, because let's face it, even superheroes need a little help sometimes, even Superman!

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Blog Feature

In the Community  |  Quick Tips in Education

New Year, New Book: Starting Your Own Book Club

“There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate’s loot on Treasure Island.”

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Blog Feature

Cyber High School  |  Quick Tips in Education

Why You Should Enroll Your Child in a Summer Reading Program

Summer is a time of relaxation and exploration, where children can immerse themselves in the wonders of the world around them. One of the best ways to unlock the potential of their imagination and keep their minds active is through enrolling them in a summer reading program at their local library, museum, or school. We'll explore the numerous benefits of summer reading programs and why parents should consider making this enriching experience an essential part of their child's summer vacation.

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Blog Feature

Quick Tips in Education

Test Anxiety: How to Recognize and Address It

We often hear about test anxiety, something that some students in cyber charter schools and brick-and-mortar models struggle with! In this blog post, we'll explore what test anxiety actually is, what you should be looking for to spot it, and ways to help your child address it.

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Blog Feature

About Cyber Education  |  Quick Tips in Education

How to Choose the Best Cyber School for Your Child

So you're ready to make the switch to a cyber school! Congratulations! We're here with some help on how to choose the one that fits your child best — whether it's a cyber charter school, homeschooling, or other cyber options!

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