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PA Virtual Celebrates the Class of 2017 with College Acceptance Day!

PA Virtual Celebrates the Class of 2017 with College Acceptance Day!

Last Friday, members of the Class of 2017 shared their post-graduate plans with teachers, staff, and younger students. Our graduates shared a variety of plans including vocational school, two-and-four year colleges and universities, and even military service.
Checking in with the Hagar Family

Checking in with the Hagar Family

PA Virtual Teachers Selected to Speak at National Conference

PA Virtual Teachers Selected to Speak at National Conference

Congratulations to Katie Barnett and Christy (Ansell) Kotwica who are heading to New Orleans this summer after being selected to present at the BbWorld17 Conference!
How I Spent My Spring Break

How I Spent My Spring Break

While most kids used their spring break to relax, catch up on sleep, or maybe go on vacation, I was up every day at 7:30 a.m. getting ready for college tours. From April 14th to April 21st, my dad, mom, and I went on college tours throughout Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina. My mom and ...
PA Virtual Students Compete at First Steamworks Competition

PA Virtual Students Compete at First Steamworks Competition

National Robotics Week is April 8-16! While PA Virtual does not have a dedicated robotics club, several students from the school are involved in the highly competitive and successful 4-H Robotics Club of Franklin County. Team 4050 Biohazard recently competed in Cleveland at the FIRST Robotics ...
Three PA Virtual Students Honored in 2017 Scholastic Art & Writing Awards

Three PA Virtual Students Honored in 2017 Scholastic Art & Writing Awa...

Congratulations to three PA Virtual Students whose creative talent has been recognized by the 2017 Scholastic Art & Writing Awards! Nationally, the Arts & Writing Awards receive about 300,000 submissions, and this year over 1,000 students submitted their original work.

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