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PA Virtual Recognizes National Bullying Prevention Month

PA Virtual Recognizes National Bullying Prevention Month

Did you know? Only 1 in 10 students who are bullied will inform a parent or trusted adult of the problem. October is National Bullying Prevention Month. In acknowledgement of this, we have prepared a two-part blog series that examines the hidden signs a child may be experiencing bullying online AND ...
Teaching at PA Virtual- Behind the Scenes!

Teaching at PA Virtual- Behind the Scenes!

What is it like teaching in a cyber school? What can students expect as they settle into the school year? PA Virtual teacher, Ms. Lisa Steen, shares some of the behind the scenes action that takes place at cyber schools and gives advice for students who want to start the school year strong! Ms. ...
PA Virtual Student Wins Robotics Competition Competing Among Adults

PA Virtual Student Wins Robotics Competition Competing Among Adults

Sawyer Wright of Pittsburgh is headed into 4th grade at PA Virtual this Fall and has been bitten by the robot bug. His love of creation and competition led the Wright family on a trip to Gastonia, North Carolina this June to compete in the Clash of Bots 2017, held at The Scheile Museum of Natural ...
10 Fun, Budget-Friendly Activities Your Family Can Enjoy in Philadelphia This August

10 Fun, Budget-Friendly Activities Your Family Can Enjoy in Philadelph...

As the last few weeks of summer approach, families are trying to squeeze in every bit of fun they can. Trips to the amusement park, movies, and beaches can get expensive. Here is a list of 10 free or low-cost activities you can do with your family in the Philly-area, which are not only fun and kid ...
5 Things You Can Do Now to Get Your Kids Ready for School

5 Things You Can Do Now to Get Your Kids Ready for School

As August approaches, families can’t help but think about back-to-school– whether it’s the kids thinking about how many days of summer vacation they have left, or parents thinking about back-to-school shopping. There are some things you can do now to ease your family into the back-to-school mindset ...
Class of 2017 Spotlight: Daniel Pfeiffer

Class of 2017 Spotlight: Daniel Pfeiffer

Daniel Pfeiffer was born with a rare craniofacial condition that required six major skull reconstructive surgeries. In addition to physical disabilities, Daniel was also diagnosed with a number of developmental learning disabilities, which made a traditional brick and mortar school environment ...

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