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Honest Review: Working at a Cyber Charter School

Honest Review: Working at a Cyber Charter School

As the world embraces the benefits of working remotely, parents might wonder what it’s like to work at a cyber charter school. Is it that different from a brick-and-mortar experience? Do employees really benefit from it? In this blog post, staff member Jennifer shares her honest review of working ...
Bullying: Warning Signs, How to Respond, & Ways to Empower Your Child

Bullying: Warning Signs, How to Respond, & Ways to Empower Your Child

In recent years, our country has seen a significant rise in concerns about bullying, with a particular emphasis on cyberbullying. October is National Bullying Prevention Month, and we're here to examine some signs that your child might be experiencing bullying, as well as offer some tools and trips ...
Fall in Love with Apples!

Fall in Love with Apples!

PA Virtual may be a cyber charter school that excels at virtual learning, but we still love in-person, family-oriented activities — especially those involving food! In this special edition of our blog, we're celebrating National Apple Day with some facts about this delicious fruit, as well as the ...
Best Tips and Practices for Teaching Virtually

Best Tips and Practices for Teaching Virtually

When it comes to learning in a cyber charter school environment, we know that organization and communication are keys to success. But what about teaching at an online school? Faculty member Janese Claar has some best practices and tips for teaching virtually.
How is Art Taught at a Cyber Charter School?

How is Art Taught at a Cyber Charter School?

How do cyber charter school students participate in special subjects, such as art? In this blog, art teacher Tori addresses some of the highlights and important aspects of teaching art virtually, and how it supports students' creativity, provides interdisciplinary connections to other areas of ...
Parent Perspectives: Amy's Journey as Learning Coach, Employee, & Mom

Parent Perspectives: Amy's Journey as Learning Coach, Employee, & Mom

What’s it like being a parent of a cyber charter student? Can one balance being a parent, full-time remote worker, AND a Learning Coach? Amy Page shares her perspective on being a PA Virtual employee and having her son enrolled at the school.

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