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10 Family-Friendly Fall Activities in Pennsylvania

10 Family-Friendly Fall Activities in Pennsylvania

Ready for some fun autumn activities? Look no further than our list of 10 family-friendly things to do in Pennsylvania. Get out and enjoy the leaves, pumpkins, apples, and more while you can!
Working Remotely While Being a Cyber Charter Learning Coach

Working Remotely While Being a Cyber Charter Learning Coach

Finding the right school for your child is an important milestone in a family’s life. Should they be at a brick and mortar school? In virtual learning? What about the quality of academics, flexibility of programs, and safety? A cyber charter school is a tuition-free, public option for many ...
Life as a Cyber Charter Elementary Teacher

Life as a Cyber Charter Elementary Teacher

Each day, the teachers of Pennsylvania's 14 cyber charter schools find new ways to present content in a virtual educational model, offering their expertise to students from PreK through grade 12. But what is the experience like when you teach virtually, as opposed to a traditional brick-and-mortar ...
Helping Children Love Books and Reading

Helping Children Love Books and Reading

Books are sources of wisdom, quests, truth, and hope — and are instrumental to building an extensive vocabulary. Every parent wants their child to love books and reading because they know it opens many doors. And helping children love books and reading is one of the most important things you can do ...
Task Management for Cyber Charter Students and Beyond

Task Management for Cyber Charter Students and Beyond

Task management: two words that often conjure images of Excel spreadsheets, endless checkboxes, or even chore charts. Before we know it, we’re faced with a list as long as our arm — one that seemingly grows overnight. But does it have to be that way? In this blog, we'll look at strategies to ...
Managing Child Back-to-School Anxiety [5 Tips]

Managing Child Back-to-School Anxiety [5 Tips]

For many children, returning to school is an exciting time of discovery, reuniting with friends, and growth. For others, the loss of carefree summer days can cause apprehension, even panic. Whether your child is attending a brick and mortar school, a cyber charter model, or being homeschooled, here ...

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