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Fun Facts You Didn't Know About U.S. Presidents

Fun Facts You Didn't Know About U.S. Presidents

Presidents Day: a Monday in February that celebrates our former Commanders in Chief. As a cyber charter school, we appreciate the role that history plays in our lives, and we've compiled some fun facts for you to celebrate the day!
Ways to Help Manage the Mid-Winter Blues

Ways to Help Manage the Mid-Winter Blues

It's that time of year for shorter days, colder nights, and bundling up! For some, winter can be a challenging season, and many people find themselves emotionally sad or drained. But cyber charter elementary school counselor Ms. Romig has you covered with some tips to help you manage the mid-winter ...
8 Classes You Didn't Know You Could Take in Cyber High School

8 Classes You Didn't Know You Could Take in Cyber High School

Coding, astronomy, writing — oh my! Think that cyber charter school is only about the core classes? Not so! We offer plenty of additional courses to help students explore their interests. Read on for 8 classes that you didn't know we offered at our cyber high school!
School Choice: What It Is, Why It Matters, and How it Helps Your Child

School Choice: What It Is, Why It Matters, and How it Helps Your Child

You may have heard about school choice, particularly as it pertains to cyber charter schools. But what exactly is it, and how does it impact your family? In this blog, we explore school choice's role in education, why it's important, and how it benefits your child!
What Supports Are in Place for New Cyber Charter Families?

What Supports Are in Place for New Cyber Charter Families?

Looking to transition to a cyber charter school model? In this blog post, Darcie — one of our Parent Ambassador Regional Coordinators — discusses some of the programs in place to help families who are new to PA Virtual.
Cyber Charter Education: Why WE CARE and I MATTER

Cyber Charter Education: Why WE CARE and I MATTER

Cyber charter school students and parents, just like brick-and-mortar families, want to know that they are valued! In this blog, school counselor Ms. Mathis discusses the key principles of PA Virtual as a cyber school — and how these key concepts benefit students, families, and employees!

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