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Parent Ambassador - Study Tips and Tricks

By: Jake Bosiljevac on October 10th, 2024

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Parent Ambassador - Study Tips and Tricks

Cyber High School  |  Middle School

Hey PA Virtual! School is well on its way as we move through the Autumn months of the year. Many of our students have already had their first major quizzes, tests, and projects. School can be intimidating and it can get overwhelming quickly right? Not to worry - thanks to the collective efforts of Jennifer Brodhag, our Parent Ambassador team, learning coaches, and of course, our students, we have a treasure trove of actionable study strategies designed particularly for our middle and high school learners. Don’t forget to double check the end of our blogs for specific documents pertaining to class participation tips, assignment management, catching up plans, study skills, and more.  

Because there is so much to cover we’re focusing on practical and proven study techniques today to help make learning more manageable and more effective. And guess what, it's all thanks to the real-life experiences and feedback from our own school community. Next week, we'll check out how sensory breaks and active participation in class can play a crucial role in boosting academic performance.

So, grab a bag of your favorite before or after-school snack, and let’s get into some study tips that might just change the game for yourself this school year.


pa-virtual-student-studying-on-floorKeep it Short: The Power of Bite-Sized Study Sessions

Why Short Sessions Work Better: Ever wondered why marathon study sessions rarely pay off the way you hope? It turns out that our brains are better wired to grasp and retain information in short, sharp bursts. This approach leverages the brain's ability to stay focused and absorb details more effectively in shorter spans, without the fatigue or waning concentration that typically accompanies longer sessions.

The Drawbacks of Cramming: On the flip side, cramming, an all-too-common scene before exams, usually ends up being counterproductive. While it might seem like you're getting a lot done, this last-minute dash forces the brain into a superficial memorization mode, skipping deeper understanding or long-term retention. Studies have shown that students who cram tend to fetch lower grades, as the rushed learning doesn't solidify knowledge in the way that gradual, repeated exposure does.


closeup headshot young business woman with alarm clock drawing sketch above her head, isolated grey wall background. Human face expressions, emotions. Time, punctuality, busy schedule conceptSet a Time: The Importance of a Study Routine

Creating a Consistent Schedule: Establishing a specific, regular time for studying each day can significantly enhance your ability to learn. Just like athletes train their muscles with a regular workout schedule, you can train your brain to enter a 'learning mode' at certain times. Consistency is key here. When your study times are predictable, your mind can prepare itself in advance, making the actual studying more effective and less of a strain.

How Regular Scheduling Helps: This routine doesn't just make each session easier; it also helps to gradually improve your overall capacity to learn and concentrate. Over time, what used to be a struggle can become more natural, allowing you to absorb and retain information more efficiently. By setting aside designated times, you're also less likely to procrastinate or let other activities infringe on your study time.


81KjyqRZjqL._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_Use Flashcards: Boosting Memory through Active Engagement

Why Flashcards Excel: Flashcards are not just simple tools; they the ultimate friend in your study arsenal. Unlike passive study methods such as simply reading or highlighting text, using flashcards forces you to engage actively with the material. This active recall process significantly improves memory retention and understanding. Each time you use a flashcard, you're essentially testing your knowledge, which strengthens your memory and reinforces learning.

Making Your Own Flashcards: Part of what makes flashcards so effective is the process of creating them. When you write down questions and answers, especially in your own words, you're already beginning the learning process. This act of summarizing and condensing information into manageable pieces allows you to grasp concepts faster and link key ideas together more effectively.

So, grab some index cards or use a digital flashcard app, and start transforming your notes into question-and-answer pairs, it might just change how you retain information going forward.


SMART Goals Education Presentation in Colorful Graphic StyleHave a Goal: The Importance of Targeted Study Sessions

Setting Specific Objectives: To make the most out of your study time, it's crucial to set clear and achievable goals for each session. This focused approach not only keeps you on track but also deepens your understanding of the subjects at hand.

Examples of Effective Study Goals

  • Mathematics: Instead of tackling an entire topic, aim to understand how to solve a specific type of problem, such as basic algebra equations. For instance, set a goal to solve for x in five different equations.
  • History: Focus on understanding a single event. You could aim to learn the main causes and outcomes of the Boston Tea Party, identifying key figures involved.
  • Science: Pick a fundamental concept, like the states of matter. Set a goal to explain what characterizes solids, liquids, and gases, and what causes transitions between these states.

Simplifying the Complex Stuff: The best indicator of success is your ability to explain these concepts simply. If you can teach someone why and how water turns to ice or steam, using everyday language, then you've achieved your goal.


640x320_students_as_teachersTeach It: Learning by Preparing to Explain

The Teaching Method: One of the most effective ways to solidify your understanding of a topic is to study as if you're going to teach it to someone else. This method forces you to organize your thoughts, clarify details, and make connections between concepts, all of which are critical for deep learning.

Benefits of Teaching to Learn

  • Organization: By arranging the information in a way that someone else could understand, you’re more likely to build a stronger, more structured knowledge base.
  • Identification of Gaps: As you prepare to teach, you'll quickly spot any gaps in your own understanding, which provides a clear focus for further study.
  • Enhancement of Communication Skills: Explaining complex concepts in simple terms can improve your overall communication skills, beneficial both inside and outside the classroom.

Practical Application: Imagine you're learning about photosynthesis in a biology class. Instead of just memorizing the steps, try to understand it well enough to explain it to a younger sibling or a friend who isn't in science. How would you describe the process of plants converting sunlight into energy without using scientific jargon? If you can simplify the concept to its basics, you've truly mastered the material.

Purple Online Testing Illustration Instagram PostPractice Tests: The Key to Effective Exam Preparation

Why Practice Tests Matter: Using practice tests as part of your study routine is a highly effective method for preparing for exams. They simulate the exam environment, allowing you to become comfortable with the format and type of questions you will encounter. This familiarity can decrease test anxiety and increase your confidence.

Advantages of Using Practice Tests

  • Mimicking Test Conditions: Practice tests help you adapt to the timing and pressure of real exams, making the actual test experience less daunting.
  • Identifying Knowledge Gaps: These tests highlight areas where your understanding may be lacking, guiding you on where to focus your revision efforts.
  • Building Confidence: Regular practice under exam conditions boosts your confidence, directly impacting your performance during the actual test.

Engaging with Teachers for Practice Tests: Teachers are an excellent resource for obtaining practice tests and quizzes. They often have a variety of resources that can provide you with the practice you need to excel. Don’t hesitate to ask your teachers for additional practice materials; they are there to help you succeed and are usually eager to provide guidance. Open communication with your teachers can ensure you get the most relevant and useful practice materials tailored to the upcoming exam.

Implementing Practice Tests in Study Routines: Start by taking a practice test before diving into a new topic to establish your baseline understanding. Try another test midway through your study to gauge your learning progress and adjust your approach if necessary. A final practice test close to the exam date can solidify your knowledge and improve your test-taking speed and accuracy.

Brown and Cream Manhwa Anime Study Desk Organizer Desktop WallpaperHave a Study Spot: Creating an Effective Learning Environment

The Importance of a Designated Study Area: Having a dedicated study spot is crucial for effective learning. This consistent environment signals to your brain that it’s time to focus and engage in study activities, helping to prime your mental state for learning.

Benefits of a Designated Study Area

  • Enhanced Focus: A consistent study spot free from distractions can significantly improve your ability to concentrate. This area becomes associated with studying, which can automatically put you in the right mindset as soon as you enter the space.
  • Better Organization: Keeping all your study materials in one place means you spend less time preparing to study and more time actually studying. This organization also reduces the stress of misplaced items or forgotten materials.
  • Reduced Procrastination: When you have a specific area set aside for studying, it’s easier to get started and keep going. The clear physical boundary can help delineate between time for studying and time for relaxation or other activities.

Setting Up Your Study Spot Choose a location that is quiet, comfortable, and free of distractions. Ensure there is adequate lighting and ventilation. Equip the space with necessary supplies like textbooks, notebooks, pens, and perhaps a computer or tablet if needed. It’s also beneficial to personalize your study area with items that boost your mood and motivation, such as inspirational quotes, a plant, or a photo of something meaningful.

Brown Earthy Modern Phone Free Zone PosterDistractions: Minimizing Interference to Maximize Focus

Impact of Music and Phones on Concentration: Creating an environment free from distractions is essential for effective studying. Two common sources are background music and the presence of a phone. Understanding their impact can help you make informed choices about your study environment.

Music and Study: While some of us believe that music helps them focus, research suggests that this depends on the nature of the music and the person. Lyrics and high-tempo beats, for instance, can actually reduce concentration and cognitive performance because they compete for your brain's attention. Instrumental or classical music might be less intrusive, but the safest bet for maximum focus is often a quiet environment or white noise that doesn't engage your cognitive resources.

The Drawback of Phones: Phones are a significant distraction due to their constant notifications and the temptation to check social media or messages. Even the mere presence of a phone can decrease the ability to concentrate, as part of your brain is always alert to the possibility of an incoming notification, even if it doesn’t happen.

Strategies to Reduce Distractions

  • Music: If you prefer to study with music, choose instrumental tracks or classical music that remains in the background, not interfering with your active thought processes.
  • Phone Usage: It’s best to keep your phone out of sight during study sessions. Turning it off or using apps that limit functionality can help minimize the urge to check it constantly.

Student studying in the library with tablet at the universityPreviewing Content: A Quick Approach to Studying

Understanding the Role of Previewing: Previewing your study material is a big initial step in the learning process. It involves quickly scanning the chapter or section for headings, subheadings, and other standout features like bold or italicized text, which can greatly enhance your comprehension.

Effective Previewing Techniques

  • Scan Headings and Subheadings: These give you a structural overview of the chapter, helping you understand how the information is organized.
  • Highlight Bold and Italicized Text: This often indicates key terms or important concepts that will be central to understanding the upcoming content.
  • Examine Visual Aids: Pay attention to diagrams, charts, and graphs. Their captions can provide succinct summaries of complex information.
  • Spot Main Ideas and Summaries: These can often be found at the beginning or end of sections and are useful for grasping core concepts at a glance.
  • Look for Definitions: Getting a handle on key definitions before reading can smooth your path through technical material.

A Step in the Process, Not a Substitute: It’s important to remember that previewing is not a substitute for thoroughly reading your study material. Skimming your reading assignment is simply not enough, rather, it's a preparatory step. Previewing sets up a framework in your mind, making it easier to understand and ultimately familiarizes yourself with future information.

Following Through: After previewing, you should read the full text, using the mental map you’ve created to guide your understanding. 

Focused student surrounded by books in a librarySummaries: Mastering the Art of Condensation

The Challenge of Summarizing: Summarizing is a skill that involves retrieving and recalling the most important information into its essential points, which is crucial for understanding and retaining knowledge. This skill does not come easily; it requires practice and evolves as your understanding deepens. Not to mention, the difficulty of summarizing scales with the complexity of the content, more complex topics often require a more nuanced understanding to effectively condense. So don't become frustrated if you can't summarize advanced calculus to your family. It's not easy.

Why Summarizing is Important:

  • Enhances Comprehension: Summarizing forces you to process information deeply and think critically about what is most important.
  • Improves Memory: By extracting and focusing on key elements, you are more likely to remember what you've learned.
  • Facilitates Review: Summaries provide a quick reference point for future review, especially before tests or exams.

Learning to Summarize:

  • Identify Main Ideas: Focus on understanding the main concepts or arguments presented in the text. This may involve highlighting or noting key points as you read.
  • Use Your Own Words: Try to articulate the essence of what you've learned in your own language, which helps deepen your understanding.
  • Keep It Brief: Aim to be concise. A good summary captures the core information in as few words as possible.

At the end of each of your studying sessions you should be challenging yourself to summarize what you just learned. Even if you attempt it verbally - that still works! Challenging yourself to do so pushes you into the next realm of higher understanding. If you're unable to summarize your material, you might just want to go back and study one more time.

cover_at-duolingo-humans-and-ai-work-together-to-create-a-high-quality-learning-experienceLeveraging Technology: Enhancing Learning at PA Virtual

Integrating Technology in Learning: At PA Virtual, technology integration is a key part of our curriculum. As we continue to explore new digital tools, here are some practical ways for you  to enrich their learning experiences.

Benefits and Applications of Educational Technology

  • Accessibility and Flexibility: Digital tools like MyHomework enable students to keep track of assignments and resources, making it easier to keep up with their studies regardless of their schedule.
  • Interactive Learning: Apps such as Kahoot! offer interactive quizzes that make learning fun and engaging, allowing students to test their knowledge in a dynamic environment. Although teachers generally use this the most for guiding some class competition - it is open to students to make Kahoots as well!
  • Diverse Resources: Supplemental learning platforms like Khan Academy provide comprehensive lessons and practice exercises across subjects, from math to science, enhancing our curriculum. They are excellent!

Using Technology Effectively

  • Educational Apps: For example, Duolingo can be used to supplement language classes, offering daily practice that reinforces language lessons learned during regular school hours.
  • Online Tutorials: YouTube channels such as CrashCourse provide well-structured educational videos that can help clarify complex topics in subjects like chemistry or world history.
  • Study Tools: Digital flashcards created on Quizlet can help in memorizing historical dates, vocabulary terms, or scientific processes.

Engage with Your Teachers: We encourage students to communicate openly with their teachers about using these resources. Teachers can guide students on how to integrate their favorite online apps and tools to keep them ahead. It certainly is a very busy world when it comes to education tech. So always keep an eye out for new upcoming apps!


Some Words of Encouragement

As we wrap up this week's exploration of study strategies (thanks to the parent ambassadors), remember that learning is a journey filled with ups and downs. Just like in life, you'll encounter challenges and make mistakes along the way. But every stumble is a step forward, a chance to learn and grow. If things don't seem to be working out, take a deep breath, assess what went wrong, and try again.

At PA Virtual Charter School, we believe in the resilience of our students. You have the tools and the support to rise above challenges. Use the resources we've discussed, engage with your teachers, and don't hesitate to experiment with new study methods to find what works best for you. Remember, it's not about how many times you falter, it's about how many times you get back up.

Keep pushing, keep learning, keep asking questions, and know that every effort you make is building you up for future success. You've got this!

Here are some provided resources you can download for later use:
Study Tips for Middle School
Study Skills for Older Students
Assignment Management for Catching Up
Implementing Sensory Breaks Between Classes