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Tips, Tricks, and Apps to Help Prepare You For the New School Year!

Tips, Tricks, and Apps to Help Prepare You For the New School Year!

As the new school year approaches, it's natural for a whirlwind of questions to dance through your mind: What will my teachers be like this year? Can I manage all my new subjects? And let’s really hope the pop quizzes hold off for a while. It's a mix of excitement and butterflies that every student ...
Transitioning from Traditional to Cyber Education

Transitioning from Traditional to Cyber Education

Eight Classic Books to Get you Back into School-Mode

Eight Classic Books to Get you Back into School-Mode

As the school year approaches, there's no better way to get back into the swing of things than with a good book. Reading not only helps everyone get back into school life, but it also offers all of us a chance to bond with our families! I can always remember the discussions and even sometimes ...
A Day in the Life of a PA Virtual Middle School Student

A Day in the Life of a PA Virtual Middle School Student

Celebrating Mason Jones: PA Virtual’s Own ‘Guardrail Kid’

Celebrating Mason Jones: PA Virtual’s Own ‘Guardrail Kid’

At PA Virtual Charter School, we're proud of our students' passions and their impressive abilities to impact the community. Today, we spotlight Mason Jones, a 12-year-old student whose interest and knowledge in road safety has turned into a viral campaign for making change to the roads you drive ...
The Advantages of Cyber Education for Elementary Schoolers: A Teacher's Perspective

The Advantages of Cyber Education for Elementary Schoolers: A Teacher'...

Discussing my job with someone I’ve just met is always entertaining. I am often asked, “So… what do you do?” When I reply that I’m a cyber school teacher, I often get a blank stare or a confused look. I then explain that I’ve been a cyber school teacher for 18 years and have exclusively taught in ...

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