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Role of Parents in Cyber Education: How Your Involvement Makes a Difference

Role of Parents in Cyber Education: How Your Involvement Makes a Diffe...

The role of a parent in a child’s education cannot be emphasized enough. Parents are a child's first teacher, and children imitate what they know, especially in the younger formative years when a love or distaste for education can take root. Even as children grow into high school, parents continue ...
What Does a Live Cyber Class Look Like at PA Virtual Charter School?

What Does a Live Cyber Class Look Like at PA Virtual Charter School?

Dive into Adventure: Summer Reading Recommendations Part 1

Dive into Adventure: Summer Reading Recommendations Part 1

As the sun casts its warm glow and school bells fade into memory, the long days of summer beckon children to embark on thrilling adventures, and they can do that within the pages of a good book. Summer reading isn't just about maintaining academic skills; it's an opportunity for children to explore ...
Promoting Childhood Development with PA Virtual Resources

Promoting Childhood Development with PA Virtual Resources

Every child is a world of possibilities waiting to be discovered and nurtured. As parents, learning coaches, and educators, we hold the key to unlocking their potential through holistic development. This comprehensive guide will explore practical strategies to support a child's physical, social, ...
District Cyber Schools vs Cyber Charter Schools

District Cyber Schools vs Cyber Charter Schools

Cyber schools have certainly come to light in recent years! During the COVID-19 pandemic, families searched and learned about new avenues for their students. These unique pockets of learning were rediscovered by many and greatly appreciated. It was during these times that families realized their ...
Super Hero Learning: Reading/Writing Learners

Super Hero Learning: Reading/Writing Learners

Welcome back to our second blog post on different types of learners! As we indulge ourselves in the ideas of Super Heroes mirroring our own students in school, remember that we are all different and even change as we grow older! So while you may have a preference for a certain type of class or ...

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