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Adjusting to Cyber School: Tips for Synchronous and Asynchronous Students

Adjusting to Cyber School: Tips for Synchronous and Asynchronous Stude...

Hello PA Virtual families! As we've sailed through the first month of school, it’s been really heartwarming to see so many of our students enter the classrooms eager and ready to learn. The desire for learning and curiosity of our students never ceases to amaze us! It was also a delight catching up ...
PA Virtual Clubs of the Month [September]

PA Virtual Clubs of the Month [September]

As we finish up our first month back at school, it's been awesome to see how quick everyone has jumped back into learning and also to our outings and picnics! For those who are new to PA Virtual Charter School, we’ve got a whole bunch of clubs, over 30, in fact. For those who are not new but ...
Fall Events in Your Neck of the Woods 2024

Fall Events in Your Neck of the Woods 2024

The evenings are crisp, and grocery stores are lined with an assortment of pumpkin products. Are you starting to get the feeling that fall is on its way? How are you going to soak up these final few weekends outside? No pressure, you have time. The official fall equinox takes place on Sunday ...
Why I Love Working at PA Virtual Charter School

Why I Love Working at PA Virtual Charter School

Whenever I tell people that I am a middle school teacher, I get many of the same responses. “I could never do what you do”, “You must be so brave working with children all day”, or “How do you keep your sanity”. When I mention I teach at a virtual charter school, I get a few eyebrows raised, maybe ...
Tips, Tricks, and Apps to Help Prepare You For the New School Year!

Tips, Tricks, and Apps to Help Prepare You For the New School Year!

As the new school year approaches, it's natural for a whirlwind of questions to dance through your mind: What will my teachers be like this year? Can I manage all my new subjects? And let’s really hope the pop quizzes hold off for a while. It's a mix of excitement and butterflies that every student ...
Transitioning from Traditional to Cyber Education

Transitioning from Traditional to Cyber Education

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