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5 Questions to Ask When Choosing a Cyber Charter School

5 Questions to Ask When Choosing a Cyber Charter School

You may have considered a cyber charter school for your child but are not sure where exactly to begin. There are 14 cyber charter schools to choose from in Pennsylvania, so you have quite a few choices. These schools have some similarities but also many differences. Therefore, you may be wondering ...
What Are Some Good Websites for Online Learning?

What Are Some Good Websites for Online Learning?

Every interest has an online learning opportunity. When learning can’t take place in the classroom, online learning websites can help support and increase learning. Homework help, enrichment, and fun can all be discovered with online learning. Free and fun online learning optimizes mastery in ...
How Do I Get Over My Performance Anxiety?

How Do I Get Over My Performance Anxiety?

Have you ever feared speaking or performing in front of a group of people? Maybe you were feeling stressed just thinking about an upcoming presentation, performing in a concert, or taking an upcoming test. Some people perform or present without hesitation while others feel anything from a sense of ...
How To Identify Your Child’s Learning Style

How To Identify Your Child’s Learning Style

It’s no secret that your child has preferences! The countless shirts with “llama-corns,” or the reoccurring Lego lunchbox. That particular dinner that they always finish. Kids are not shy when it comes to their own unique style, but have you caught onto their learning style? Chances are, they’re ...
Alternative Schooling Options to Traditional Public School

Alternative Schooling Options to Traditional Public School

Have you ever wondered if a better option existed for your child’s education? Did you know that you, as a parent or guardian in Pennsylvania, have the right to choose the educational environment that works best for your child?
Why I Chose Online School for My Child

Why I Chose Online School for My Child

Families in 2021 have many options for educating their children. Homeschool, which began on a larger scale in the 1970s; private schools, which have been available for many decades; local public schools, which are utilized by the majority of PA families; and for the past 20+ years, we have ...

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