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Tips for New Cyber School Students [Alumni Perspective]

Tips for New Cyber School Students [Alumni Perspective]

Thanks to the year 2020, several people are trying cyber schooling for the first time. For many families, distance learning is a new concept. For my family, though, it was a reality for thirteen years, as I advanced from kindergarten through high school in a cyber education model. I know that ...
Do Cyber Charter Schools Take Funds from District Schools?

Do Cyber Charter Schools Take Funds from District Schools?

As cyber schooling continues to gain increased awareness and popularity, many families often question how exactly it all works. Parents wonder how much cyber education will cost and quickly discover that cyber charter schools do not have a tuition fee. Some questions we frequently get asked at PA ...
Getting Hands-On with Online Learning

Getting Hands-On with Online Learning

Hi everyone; I am Mrs. Cindy Willits, M.Ed. I have had the pleasure of teaching online with PA Virtual since 2006 and have taught in various other capacities for many years. I am here to share with you some amazing ways that an online education can truly become a hands-on and immersive experience ...
Cyber Student to Cyber Parent: Graduate Enrolls Daughter at PA Virtual

Cyber Student to Cyber Parent: Graduate Enrolls Daughter at PA Virtual

Kayla Turner attended PA Virtual from 4th grade through 12th grade. She has been staying busy since graduating from PA Virtual in 2015. Currently, she is pursuing her master’s degree in chemistry, and when she is not busy with her schoolwork, she enjoys traveling and spending time with her family. ...
How Cyber School Can Support Different Learning Styles

How Cyber School Can Support Different Learning Styles

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach to learning, so there shouldn’t be a one-size-fits-all approach to educating our children. Every child learns differently, which requires varying forms of delivery to ensure each child receives an education that meets their individual needs. The way we ...
How to Support Multiple Students in a Cyber School

How to Support Multiple Students in a Cyber School

Being a parent at a cyber school is a big time commitment, and it can certainly come with its challenges. If you have multiple children enrolled in a cyber school, it can be an even bigger challenge as a parent to provide the necessary assistance to each of your students when their live classes ...

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