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Is Virtual Learning a Substitute to Traditional Schools?

Is Virtual Learning a Substitute to Traditional Schools?

You may be wondering, "Is virtual learning a substitute to traditional schools?" When speaking with parents, this is one of the most common questions we hear. In short, the answer is no, virtual learning is not a substitute to brick and mortar schools; virtual learning is an alternative. In some ...
What is a Good Alternative for High School?

What is a Good Alternative for High School?

A good high school education is critical for young adults whether they plan to enter the workforce, join the military, or enroll in a college or university. Whatever your child's post-secondary plans, a high-quality high school education lays the foundation for developing the skills necessary to ...
Things I Learned Working at a Virtual School

Things I Learned Working at a Virtual School

If you would have asked me during my graduate program what the likelihood of me working at a virtual school was, I would have told you slim to none. However, sometimes life has a funny way of taking control of things. As you can imagine and possibly relate to, I was furiously applying for jobs once ...
Alternatives for Managing School-Related Anxiety

Alternatives for Managing School-Related Anxiety

School-related anxiety can develop as the result of many different factors. Managing it can sometimes be difficult, but there are options available to help your child. It is important to be aware of the signs and symptoms of anxiety and to know when your child needs access to professional care. It ...
Best Study Tips for Students

Best Study Tips for Students

Studying is an essential skill when it comes to academic success, but studying doesn’t come naturally to everyone. Whether you are a student struggling to find a study strategy that works for you or a parent looking to help your student improve their study habits, there are specific approaches you ...
How to Establish a Good Daily Cyber School Routine

How to Establish a Good Daily Cyber School Routine

In a cyber school environment, establishing and maintaining a solid daily school routine is important not only for the student but also for the parent. It can help save time, reduce stress, and increase student cooperation. Sometimes it can be a challenge for families to maintain a steady routine, ...

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