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PA Virtual Alumni Holly Workman wows the musical crowd in Hershey

PA Virtual Alumni Holly Workman wows the musical crowd in Hershey

Holly Workman is no stranger to performing under the bright lights. The 2012 PA Virtual graduate has been performing and studying music since age 4, and it is not an exaggeration to say she is Internationally known. But Holly returned to her roots recently to perform with the Hershey Symphony ...
Spiraling vs. Chunking (Deep learning)

Spiraling vs. Chunking (Deep learning)

In a Rolling Stone interview early in her career, Taylor Swift admitted, “I think I have a big fear of things spiraling out of control.” And that was before this past November’s Ticketmaster meltdown. Ted Kooser, a former Poet Laureate of the United States, inventively describes something we’ve all ...
PA Virtual: The Best School Ever!

PA Virtual: The Best School Ever!

Every parent wants the best for their children. Choosing the best school can be a very stressful, daunting, and difficult task for parents because of all the factors they need to take into consideration. I have an ideal suggestion that I truly believe every family should try at least once. Whether ...
Cyber Charter School Values and How They Help Your Child

Cyber Charter School Values and How They Help Your Child

When parents are looking for a school for their child — be it a cyber charter school or a brick-and-mortar model — they want to know that the teachers and staff are giving 100% each day! Valued employees are important to school success, and their work directly impacts students. In this blog post, ...
Ramadan & Eid-Al Fitr

Ramadan & Eid-Al Fitr

What is Ramadan?
Test Anxiety: How to Recognize and Address It

Test Anxiety: How to Recognize and Address It

We often hear about test anxiety, something that some students in cyber charter schools and brick-and-mortar models struggle with! In this blog post, we'll explore what test anxiety actually is, what you should be looking for to spot it, and ways to help your child address it.

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