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Fun Ways to Make the Holiday Season Exciting and Educational [5 Tips]

Fun Ways to Make the Holiday Season Exciting and Educational [5 Tips]

Winter Break: two words that, for most students, signal rest, relaxation, and a temporary pause after a busy first semester. Whether students are in a cyber charter school, or in a brick-and-mortar model, this time typically elicits excitement from even the most dedicated student who loves being in ...
Cyber Schooling vs. Homeschooling

Cyber Schooling vs. Homeschooling

What are the differences between cyber schooling vs. homeschooling? When you hear a family is homeschooling their child, it often doesn’t mean what it did 20 years ago. Many times the family is actually schooling their child through a cyber charter school, a home-based education program. PA Virtual ...
What are the Best Cyber Charter Schools in PA? [An Honest Review]

What are the Best Cyber Charter Schools in PA? [An Honest Review]

Pennsylvania Virtual Charter School (PA Virtual) was one of the first cyber schools established in the state and has served thousands of families for more than 20 years. We believe in providing a comprehensive education for each student. This includes personalizing learning for each student and ...
Cyber Charter School Vs. Your Local District School

Cyber Charter School Vs. Your Local District School

Online schooling is no longer limited to just colleges and universities. Children in Pennsylvania have been attending cyber charter schools for more than 20 years! While that may seem like a long time, much of the public is still unclear about what exactly cyber charter schools are and how they ...
Top 7 Questions We Hear about PA Virtual Charter School

Top 7 Questions We Hear about PA Virtual Charter School

There are always plenty of questions parents have about PA Virtual and cyber charter schools in general when they start looking into the online education model. Over the past 20 years of serving Pennsylvania families, we have noticed a handful of questions that are frequently asked by prospective ...
Frequently Asked Questions About PA Virtual (Socialization & Family Support)

Frequently Asked Questions About PA Virtual (Socialization & Family Su...

Over the past 20 years of serving families across Pennsylvania, we have noticed a handful of questions that are frequently asked by prospective parents. In this post, we've compiled a list below of the most common questions people ask regarding socialization and family support specifically, as well ...

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