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National School Choice Week Art Contest

National School Choice Week Art Contest

Another way PA Virtual students are celebrating National School Choice Week (#NSCW16) is through participation in our statewide art contest! All PA Virtual students are invited to submit a photo of one original work of art that shows off their "PA Virtual Pride." After we receive all submissions, ...
Celebrating National School Choice Week

Celebrating National School Choice Week

On Friday, January 29, PA Virtual students will join with others across the nation and celebrate National School Choice Week!
2016 MLK Day of Service at Cyber School

2016 MLK Day of Service at Cyber School

Service Learning is an important aspect of community life at PA Virtual. The mission of the Student Services Department is to provide PA Virtual students and families with an atmosphere that supports the needs of self and family and encourages a spirit of leadership through community outreach. 

In ...
Myth Busting Cyber Charter Schools: Part 1

Myth Busting Cyber Charter Schools: Part 1

Where does cyber school funding come from? There are plenty of myths about the state of cyber education in Pennsylvania. Many families who are interested in alternative education, but may not be able to afford private or parochial options are turning to cyber charters as a solution. This series of ...
PA Cyber School Offers Health Services

PA Cyber School Offers Health Services

Did you know? Just like traditional school districts, cyber students are required by state law to receive health screenings each year. The Pennsylvania Department of Education mandates all children in grades K-12 receive this screening, and depending on your age, also requires hearing, vision, and ...
PA Virtual's Art of Autumn

PA Virtual's Art of Autumn

PA Virtual students in Mrs. Anderson's live music classes showed off their artistic skills this month. While listening to Antonio Vivaldi's "L'autunno" (Autumn) from the Four Seasons, cyber school students created their own artistic masterpieces to represent the season. Check out some of our ...

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