On Friday, January 29, PA Virtual students will join with others across the nation and celebrate National School Choice Week!
Our family support coordinators have worked to put together local events around the state and we hope you join us. Each year since 2011, NSCW works to raise awareness of the various types of educational options for children everywhere. Join the social conversation and tag #NSCW16 on Facebook and Twitter!
Cyber charter schools have been in existence in Pennsylvania for almost 15 years with close to 40,000 students enrolled in 14 different institutions. Families select a cyber charter education for many reasons. Flexible scheduling allows for a custom educational experience that works with students who are on the go, committed to their community or activities or have special needs. Some PA Virtual graduates even found they were able to advance quicker in their studies than if they were in a traditional school setting, allowing them to graduate early!
PA Virtual families can join us at one of the following events on January 29th:
- Franklin County – Roller Skating
- West Moreland – Ice Skating
- Philadelphia – Roller Skating
- Bucks County – STEM event
- Northampton County – Ice Skating
Feel free to share your thoughts, plans and pictures here, on social media, or through the blog about National School Choice Week!