Another way PA Virtual students are celebrating National School Choice Week (#NSCW16) is through participation in our statewide art contest! All PA Virtual students are invited to submit a photo of one original work of art that shows off their "PA Virtual Pride." After we receive all submissions, winners of the contest will be determined by our own students who will vote on the top three pieces of art. Check back in February to see the winning entries posted here and on the PA Virtual Facebook page.


Throughout the year, cyber schools can bring students together with online activities like this no matter where they live. Our family support coordinators also schedule regional events so students can meet other cyber students in their local area. Cyber school students also constantly interact with one another using the various online platforms.

NSCW_Logo_HorizontalDid you know? Yellow is the official color of National School Choice Week. According to popular color theory, yellow (the color of sunshine) is associated with joy, happiness, and intelligence.


Feel free to share your thoughts, plans and pictures here, on social media, or through the blog about National School Choice Week!


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