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5 Tips to Help Your Student Succeed as an Online Student

5 Tips to Help Your Student Succeed as an Online Student

In the cyber learning model, the role of the parent is very important. At PA Virtual, we refer to the parent or primary responsible adult at home with the student as the Learning Coach, and they serve as our eyes and ears in the home-based classroom. The physical presence of parents is needed to ...
4 Helpful Tips to Prevent the “Summer Slide”

4 Helpful Tips to Prevent the “Summer Slide”

Each fall teachers work with students who have experienced the all too common “summer slide.” Symptoms include learning loss, forgetting math formulas, and even a decrease in vocabulary. Studies have shown that students can lose up to one month of skills and knowledge learned during the school year ...
What It’s Like to be a Parent at a Cyber School

What It’s Like to be a Parent at a Cyber School

Parents have a lot in common. In spite of varied backgrounds, cultures, and belief systems, we can probably all relate to sleepless nights, toddler tantrums, and sticky kisses. As our children reach school age, the similarities continue. We are expected to help our students succeed in school by ...
How to Help Your Child Defeat Procrastination [4 Tips]

How to Help Your Child Defeat Procrastination [4 Tips]

It’s very common for students of all different ages and grade levels to procrastinate on homework or school projects. Some students may put tasks off because they might feel overwhelmed with all of their schoolwork; others may procrastinate if the project seems too challenging to complete. Whatever ...
Recipes for Starting Conversation with Your Family at the Dinner Table

Recipes for Starting Conversation with Your Family at the Dinner Table

I love family meal time. I love it when schedules allow the whole family to be at the dinner table at the same time, enjoying favorite foods, and having great conversations that continue long after the last spoonful of chicken pot pie has been claimed. I love it the most when the conversations ...

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