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Tips, Tricks, and Apps to Help Prepare You For the New School Year!

By: Jake Bosiljevac on August 23rd, 2024

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Tips, Tricks, and Apps to Help Prepare You For the New School Year!

Quick Tips in Education

As the new school year approaches, it's natural for a whirlwind of questions to dance through your mind: What will my teachers be like this year? Can I manage all my new subjects? And let’s really hope the pop quizzes hold off for a while. It's a mix of excitement and butterflies that every student and even our own parents can feel. But don't worry, you're not experiencing this alone. It's a universal feeling that, probably, most of your family members have gone through (Don't ever hesitate to reach out to your grandparents, parents, siblings, or friends when you're feeling overwhelmed by school).

PA Virtual Charter School is here to back you up every step of the way. To help you transition smoothly into the school year, I've compiled several lists packed with resources. From essential PA Virtual tools and resources you can access right away and handy tips for academic success to nifty apps that can make your school days more manageable, we’ve got you covered. Ready to kick off a fantastic school year? Keep this page bookmarked then!

Part 1: Knowing Your Essential PA Virtual Tools, Resources, and Support Network

Outings and Clubs

20230915_112340PA Virtual organizes a variety of outings and club activities that are essential for student engagement and socialization. From educational field trips to fun social gatherings, these activities help students connect with peers and enrich their educational experience. The September events are tons of fun and engaging, helping new students integrate into our wonderful community:  Learn more about September events.

Learning Environment Setup

Establishing a dedicated learning space at home is crucial for effective online learning. PA Virtual provides a comprehensive guide to help families set up an environment that fosters focus and productivity, including tips on minimizing distractions and organizing study materials: Guide to setting up a learning environment.

Class Participation Tips

Active participation in virtual classes is key to academic success. PA Virtual offers strategies to help students become more engaged during live sessions and discussions, which can enhance their learning outcomes and confidence. These are easy to follow checklists that will absolutely help your child achieve better grades and ultimately become happier: Class participation tips.

Cook BookEducational Tools

Starting the school year right is easier with the right tools. This resource provides a list of essential tools and resources that PA Virtual students and families might need during the school year, from technical support to educational materials. Any time you feel like you're overwhelmed by technical jargon or errors - don't hesitate to go straight to our help desk page, as they're always prepared to help our students and PA Virtual Families. Tools to get started & Our Tech Help Desk

Learning Coach Support & Cookbook

Our Parent ambassadors feature a full webpage full of opportunities, advice, and suggestions for our PA Virtual Families: Parent Ambassador Program Home Page. I highly recommend taking some time to read through the many resources they've provided as they are essential for you. Not to mention, our Learning Coaches, FSC's, and Parent Ambassadors have put together a cook book full of delicious and nutritious recipes for everyone to check out. Yes. Seriously. You're talking about 118 pages of snacks and tasty goodness! All kinds of awesome recipes, from slow cooking, to baking, to snacking, they got it all: Learning Coach CookbookI wonder if they're taking any new suggestions or additions from new families (and returning!)? 

Part 2: Back to Basics - Traditional Tips for School Success

School RoutineEstablish a Routine

Life can get really busy, right? That's why setting a daily routine can be a game-changer for managing everything you've got going on. Try to wake up, hit the books, and head to bed at consistent times every day. This doesn't just help you keep track of your day; it turns these activities into habits, almost as automatic as brushing your teeth. When your day has a predictable structure, you save up all that mental energy that you'd otherwise spend making decisions about what to do next. This means you can dedicate more brainpower to your studies and still have plenty of energy left for hanging out, hobbies, and relaxation. Establishing a routine helps you stay on track without feeling overwhelmed, making your daily tasks a lot more manageable and giving you back control of your time. With a solid routine, you're setting yourself up to be more focused during study times and more relaxed during your breaks, balancing productivity and downtime effectively.

Create a Study Space

Having a dedicated space for school work can really change the game. First, scout out a quiet spot where you can set up camp, maybe it’s a corner of your room or a spot at the dining table that’s not too busy. Once you’ve got your spot, make it feel like yours. Maybe throw in a comfy chair or a cushion, hang up some of your favorite pictures, or even set up a little plant buddy to keep you company.

Now, think about what you need to make this space work for you. Stock it with the essentials like pens, paper, and maybe some highlighters to make those important points pop. And don’t forget the snacks, something to munch on can keep you going through a long study session.

This spot will become your "study zone" the place where you switch into work mode. Knowing that this is where you come to focus can really help your brain shift into gear when you sit down. Plus, having everything organized and in one spot means no more wasted time hunting around the house for your lost textbook, laptop chargers, or that pen that always seems to wander off. Setting up this zone keeps everything you need right at your fingertips, making it easier to get down to business and do well in your studies.

auditory-learner-girl-headset-taking-notes-2Take Handwritten Notes

While it’s super convenient to type notes during class, don’t overlook the benefits of the good old pen and paper. It might seem a bit old-school, but writing by hand actually helps you learn better. This is because when you write, you have to process the information more actively than when you’re just typing. You can’t write as fast as you type (believe me I've tried, it doesn't work), so you really have to think about the main points and get those down. This mental effort helps you remember the content better.

Handwriting also creates a physical connection with your notes. Every letter you form with your pen makes your brain engage with the content more deeply. And when you go back to review them, your unique handwriting and the layout of your notes can make it easier to recall what you learned.

In our digital world, switching from screen to paper for your momentary notes can also give your eyes a break and help you focus without distractions. For our digital note takers I have an app suggestion for you later in the blog. So next time you prep for a study session, try reaching for a notebook instead of the laptop, you might just notice a big boost in how much you retain.

Set Goals

Setting goals each week can be a simple yet powerful way to stay on top of your academic game. Start by asking yourself, "What do I want to achieve this week?" Maybe it's wrapping up a big project or boosting your score on an upcoming test. Write these goals down somewhere you'll see them often, like in a planner or on a sticky note on your desk. This act of writing down your goals not only commits them to memory but also serves as a constant reminder of what you need to focus on. Each day, you can check in with your goals to see your progress, helping you stay motivated and on track.

At the end of the week, take a moment to reflect on what you’ve accomplished. Seeing your goals checked off is incredibly satisfying and can be a big mood booster. It’s also a great way to visibly measure your progress and assess what’s working and what might need more effort. Plus, this routine helps keep you focused on your priorities, ensuring that you’re not just busy, but productive. This kind of structured goal-setting is especially helpful in a home learning environment, where traditional school structures are absent, helping students and families maintain a clear path toward academic achievements.

Portrait of sporty kid playing group games at gym hallPractice Self-Care 

Taking care of yourself is just as crucial as acing your exams or finishing your homework. Remember, doing well in school isn't just about hitting the books hard, it's also about looking after your well-being. Make sure you're getting plenty of sleep each night! It makes a huge difference in your ability to concentrate and retain information. Eating well is another key part of self-care, choose foods that nourish your body and make you feel energized rather than sluggish. Ask your parents for some crunchy carrots for Pete's sake! And don’t forget to get moving, whether it’s a quick walk, a dance break (Ms. Onjack has inspired me to do so many times during our Summer Camp), or a team sport, finding an activity you enjoy can help reduce stress and boost your mood.

Incorporating these habits into your daily routine can lead to better mental clarity and a more positive outlook on your studies. When your body feels good, your brain is sharper and more focused. Listening to your body’s needs and responding with care can elevate your performance in all areas of life, not just academics. Plus, taking time to relax and enjoy some downtime can refresh your mind and keep burnout at bay. So, encourage your whole family to join in, make self-care a part of your collective routine. This way, everyone can benefit and support each other in staying healthy and motivated throughout the school year.

Part 3: Leveraging Apps for Academic Success


It's important to consider the tools that can help your children manage their responsibilities more effectively. I've reviewed a selection of educational apps, each designed to support students in various aspects of their academic journey.  It's EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that as parents and guardians that they individually review apps/programs on their own outside of blogs (such as this one) and make sure that they are good fits for your child, teenager, or family. It's also never a good idea to blindly accept reviews from YouTube, Tik Tok, or any other social platform.

A critical component outside of their functionality and usefulness of these suggestions is the privacy and security of these apps, as it's essential for students and families to feel confident that their data and information is protected. While these apps can be incredibly helpful in organizing tasks, improving study habits, and staying focused, it's crucial to remember that they are supplementary tools. They are meant to assist in managing academic life, not to control or dictate every aspect of it. I encourage all families to thoroughly review the privacy policies and settings of these apps to ensure they meet your standards and comfort levels.

So with all of that being said, here are some stand out apps for students.


Power plannerPlanning for Academic Power: Power Planner

Power Planner is like your digital homework buddy. It helps you keep track of all your schoolwork in one place, assignments, tests, and even your grades. It’s super easy to use and has cool tools like a GPA calculator, which can show you the grades you need to get to reach your GPA goals. For families worried about privacy, Power Planner lets you choose to keep all your info on your device only, or you can store it safely online.

BrainscapeMaster Memorization: Brainscape

Brainscape turns studying into a breeze with smart flashcards that help you remember things better and faster, especially the tricky stuff. You can add pictures and sounds to your flashcards and study them on any device, anywhere. It's great for group study too, as you can share your flashcard decks with friends. Brainscape takes your privacy seriously, so you control your data and who sees it, making it safe and secure for schoolwork.

Note-Taking Necessities: Notion

Notion is like a digital notebook that does it all. You can write notes, make to-do lists, and even set up a calendar for all your family’s activities. It’s perfect for projects too, whether you're organizing a science fair project or planning a family event. Notion is safe to use because it protects your information with strong security, so you don't have to worry about your notes being stolen.

KhanSupplemental Learning: Khan Academy

Khan Academy offers a world of learning right at your fingertips, and it’s completely free. Whether you need help with math, science, or just about any school subject, Khan Academy has tons of videos and practice exercises. It’s like having a tutor available 24/7, helping you understand and master whatever you’re studying. And with no ads and a commitment to keeping your data private, it’s a worry-free resource for parents and kids alike.


Thanks for checking out our blog on the best tips, tricks, and apps for gearing up for the new school year! If you found this guide useful or have any questions, comments, or suggestions, don't hesitate to reach out to me at jbosiljevac@pavcs.us. We're looking forward to an amazing year ahead, and I truly believe in each and every one of you. Remember, you have the power to achieve anything you set your mind to! Let's make it a fantastic year together!