Cyber Charter School Blog

PA Virtual School Newsroom

Blog Feature

Elementary School

The Advantages of Cyber Education for Elementary Schoolers: A Teacher's Perspective

Discussing my job with someone I’ve just met is always entertaining. I am often asked, “So… what do you do?” When I reply that I’m a cyber school teacher, I often get a blank stare or a confused look. I then explain that I’ve been a cyber school teacher for 18 years and have exclusively taught in lower elementary grades, primarily in Kindergarten and first grade. I have been teaching first grade for the past 10 years. At this point, I either get a more confused look or a nod and smirk of someone impressed by my statement. Regardless of the response, it always results in many questions and a deeper discussion. How does that work? Are the kids all at home? Do the kids sit still for you? What does that even look like? How many kids are in your class? Do you expect the kids to sit in front of a computer all day? You’ve been doing this for that long? My responses are typically pretty standardized, but for this blog, I will go into more detail about what my job entails daily and what my students hopefully experience in my classroom.

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Blog Feature

Elementary School

National Month of the Young Child

The season of spring is a time of new and exciting beginnings, which makes sense as to why April is designated as the National Month of the Young Child. Decades of research have shown early experiences for children from birth through age 8 provide an important foundation and set them up for success as they transition into school. To celebrate National Month of the Young Child and encourage developing necessary skills, this blog will feature activities to do with your children based on the four main domains of early childhood education: physical development, social and emotional development, cognitive development, and language and literacy skills development.

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Blog Feature

Elementary School

Promoting Childhood Development with PA Virtual Resources

Every child is a world of possibilities waiting to be discovered and nurtured. As parents, learning coaches, and educators, we hold the key to unlocking their potential through holistic development. This comprehensive guide will explore practical strategies to support a child's physical, social, emotional, cognitive, and literacy development, laying the foundation for a lifetime of success and fulfillment. We will also discuss how PA Virtual can help your child with these developments through our outings, partnerships, and clubs.

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Blog Feature

About Cyber Education  |  Cyber High School  |  Elementary School  |  Middle School

School in the Digital Age: Extra Resources to Enhance Your Learning

Greetings young learners, supportive parents, and guardians! Today, we're diving into the world of extra resources for online learners. It seems there are virtual resources everywhere but which ones are tried and true? No worries as we'll answer that question for you in this blog. I've taken the time to separate them into the major disciplines of education and look forward to seeing you all improve your educational lives. So whether you're struggling with one in particular or just want to learn more about everything, make sure to check them out and stick with them! A quick disclaimer, while diving into these resources, some are entirely free, others offer limited free content before requiring a subscription, and a few might need sign-ups right from the start.

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Blog Feature

Elementary School

The Wonderful World of Clubs at PA Virtual's Elementary School

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Blog Feature

Cyber High School  |  Elementary School  |  Happenings & Perspectives  |  In the Community  |  Middle School

The Power of Options: The Deep Impact of School Choice Week

As a part of Pennsylvania Coalition of Public Charter Schools, PA Virtual Charter School is excited to partake in National School Choice Week. This week is more than a celebration; it's a nationwide movement underscoring the critical role of choice in K-12 education and its impact on families and communities. As more families and people across Pennsylvania realize the importance of choice in their children's educational journeys - more are stepping up with their voices, letting others know why it's worth the fight to save charter schools.

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