PA Virtual School Newsroom

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Exploring is Good

With Columbus Day often comes attention to the bravery, determination, and daring demonstrated by Christopher Columbus and other intrepid explorers who helped discover new continents. Where would we be had these men been meek, timid, and easily deterred? While there may not be many uncharted territories for us to conquer today, and certainly little time to do so amongst our hectic daily lives, there is still value in the concept of exploration, and we can accomplish it in ways other than sailing the high seas to unknown lands.

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Blog Feature

Did You Know?

Is My Child Ready To Babysit?

While the lives of today’s teenagers may be very different than the teenage lives many of us led, there is still one part of the experience that is likely at the top of any teen’s list: the quest for spending money. While most teens eventually get jobs in retail, fast food, or restaurants, the employment many of them often begin with is babysitting. So, you may be wondering, "Is my child ready to babysit?" Whether it is for siblings, family, or neighbors, babysitting can be a great first step towards gaining the independence that employment requires and experiencing the feeling of earning money for one’s work.

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Blog Feature

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Kids and Sports

As fall gets into full swing, many families find themselves knee-deep in sports practices, games, and piles of dirty uniforms in the laundry. With all of the effort it takes to have kids participate in sports, it can be easy to wonder if it’s all worth it. While not all researchers agree on all points, many researchers do concur that sports have advantages for kids far beyond fitness. If you’re considering signing your child up for a sport, it might be helpful to consider some of the following benefits of sports.

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Blog Feature

Did You Know?

Is Cursive Writing Still Useful?

One of the current debates in education is regarding cursive writing. With so much of our "writing" being done electronically, the debate over cursive writing's usefulness has been seen across the internet and even in such prestigious publications as TIME magazine. One of our own educators, Learning Support High School Teacher Diane Eversmeyer, weighs in with her thoughts on the subject.

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Blog Feature

Did You Know?

Pets And Children

Has your family been considering an expansion? We're not talking about another child; we're talking pets! Pets can be a wonderful addition to a home. Studies have shown numerous benefits of pet ownership for both adults and children. For example, according to WebMD, "for nearly 25 years, research has shown that living with pets provides certain health benefits. Pets help lower blood pressure and lessen anxiety. They boost our immunity. They can even help you get dates."

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Blog Feature

Did You Know?

Most Exciting Upcoming YA Books

It seems that Young Adult novels are more plentiful than ever these days, and are so engaging that even adults have been reading them. Goodreads, a web site created to help people find and share books they love, asked its members to vote on the YA/teen novels that they are most looking forward to being released for the first time.

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