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Special Opportunity for Cyber School Athletes

Special Opportunity for Cyber School Athletes

Special Education & Life Skills teacher, Stacey McGowan spends all year working on social skills and training students in the online setting. Next week, for the 11th year in a row, PA Virtual Students will compete in the Montgomery County Special Olympics held at Souderton High School. Cyber ...
Google Education on Air – Bringing Technology into the Classroom

Google Education on Air – Bringing Technology into the Classroom

This week, Google Education On Air will offer a completely free online education conference which will focus on the impact of technology and education around the world. Over the two days, Google will pose the question “how do we prepare our students for a future that is ever-changing?”
An Overview of Common Core Philosophies

An Overview of Common Core Philosophies

Across the nation, the term “Common Core” has found its way into our homes since 2010. As defined on the Common Core Standards website, “The Common Core is a set of high-quality academic standards in mathematics and English language arts/literacy (ELA). These learning goals outline what a student ...
Cyber Students & Socialization Opportunities

Cyber Students & Socialization Opportunities

A common misconception about cyber charter students is that they lack the opportunity to socialize with their peers. In reality, many students who chose online learning do so because flexible learning schedules enable them to become even more immersed in outside activities. These outside ...
Relieving Student Anxiety For State Testing

Relieving Student Anxiety For State Testing

This month, Pennsylvania students began a series of standardized tests in various subjects and concentrations. From the inner cities to the most rural farm towns in PA, students will feel the pressure of standardized testing over the coming weeks.
Thoughts on School Choice, Part 2

Thoughts on School Choice, Part 2

By Sara Myer, Esq. Again this week, we are honored to have East Parent Ambassador Regional Coordinator, Sara Myer, continue her guest blog on school choice, this time approaching it from her perspective as a lawyer:

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