PA Virtual School Newsroom

Jennifer Kilpatrick

Blog Feature

About Cyber Education

Kindergarten Online?

Enrolling your child in Kindergarten is one of the most fun and exciting times in a parent’s life. There are more options than ever for children – if you are considering cyber education, PA Virtual Charter School is an excellent option.

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Blog Feature

PA Virtual Students Give Their Voice to Those in Need

Your voice is how you engage with the world. So what happens when a person loses the ability to speak? With technological advances, people with vocal disabilities are able to use assistive devices to communicate. Many times these devices use a voice that can sound robot-like. One company has set out to humanize these narrations, and PA Virtual Charter School students and staff have joined this innovative new project. Over the holiday break this past December, the school challenged students to join the VocaliD project. The VocalID platform creates unique vocal identities using “donations” from real people to give its recipients a human sounding voice. To join, students created accounts and began to dictate sounds and words through the VocaliD online platform called BeSpoke. VocaliD then processes these noises and words into a Human Voicebank – like a blood bank, for those in need. The complexity of creating a unique voice requires 7-8 hours of soundbites in an effort to fully digitize a human voice.

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Blog Feature

About Cyber Education

Why We Chose PA Virtual for Kindergarten

Susan Wilson enrolled her son at PA Virtual Charter School almost seven years ago. Johnny, now in 6th grade, was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis (UC) as a toddler. Children who suffer from this type of colitis, find it difficult to keep a regular schedule – a huge concern when looking into traditional brick and mortar schools in the area. The family began to research other options and on the recommendation of a friend, began to look into PA Virtual.

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Blog Feature

Insider Perspectives

Why We Chose PA Virtual – The Darkey Family

After deciding she wanted to focus on a competitive tennis career beyond the high school level, Julia Darkey, a former student in the Manheim Township School District, has found a great balance by enrolling at PA Virtual. “In Lancaster County the idea of homeschooling is very common, but not so much cyber school,” said Renee Darkey, Julia’s mother. “We knew another local family through tennis who had a great experience with PA Virtual and knew it was the right place for Julia.” Each year, the media reports stories of cyber students who face challenges when trying to attend their local proms, homecoming or take part in district activities- a practice that is illegal per charter law - because they are not considered “district students.” The Darkey family, however, has never experienced this with MTHS. Coaches and the administration have since gone above and beyond to make sure that Julia is always included in school team activities, despite the fact that she isn’t present in the same classrooms as her teammates during the day.

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Blog Feature

Super Student

D'Alessandro Sisters Pursue their Passion

Parents - what do you do when you start to realize that your child is not only incredibly talented, but is one of the best?

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Blog Feature


Are You #PAVirtualProud?

Join us in our 2nd Annual PA Virtual Pride Art Contest! School Choice Week is January 22-28. One of the ways PA Virtual celebrates is through our annual art contest! All PA Virtual students are invited to submit a photo of one original (new) artwork that shows off their PA Virtual Pride.

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