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Cyber Charter School Values and How They Help Your Child

Cyber Charter School Values and How They Help Your Child

When parents are looking for a school for their child — be it a cyber charter school or a brick-and-mortar model — they want to know that the teachers and staff are giving 100% each day! Valued employees are important to school success, and their work directly impacts students. In this blog post, ...
A Look Inside a Virtual School Classroom

A Look Inside a Virtual School Classroom

What's it like inside one of the cyber school classrooms in Pennsylvania? Heather Alcott, an Academic Support Teacher, gives us a snapshot of teaching in a virtual classroom — and shares her thoughts on the cyber charter school class experience!
What Learning Supports are Available in Cyber Elementary School?

What Learning Supports are Available in Cyber Elementary School?

Parents sometimes wonder what types of learning supports are available for students who need some extra help. All teachers — be they at a cyber charter school or in a brick-and-mortar setting — want to help their students succeed! Learn more about how PA Virtual achieves this from Heather, one of ...
What It's Like to Teach at a Cyber Charter School

What It's Like to Teach at a Cyber Charter School

There are hundreds of cyber charter school teachers across the state. You may be considering joining our ranks; however, there are so many questions people have about what it is like to teach at a cyber charter school! If you have a curiosity about making the leap, you may be asking yourself things ...

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