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Thoughts on School Choice, Part 2

Thoughts on School Choice, Part 2

By Sara Myer, Esq. Again this week, we are honored to have East Parent Ambassador Regional Coordinator, Sara Myer, continue her guest blog on school choice, this time approaching it from her perspective as a lawyer:
Thoughts on School Choice, Part 1

Thoughts on School Choice, Part 1

By Sara Myer, Esq. This week, we are honored to have another guest blogger for the PA Virtual Blog: East Parent Ambassador Regional Coordinator, Sara Myer. Sara is a 2003 graduate of Penn State's Dickinson School of Law and holds a juris doctorate in law as well as a certificate in mediation and ...
Maximize the “Happy” for the Holidays

Maximize the “Happy” for the Holidays

This time of year is wonderful for many reasons, including presents (woot!), time spent with family, and lots of cookies! But another reason this time of year is special is the variety of opportunities we have to reach out to others and show that we care. Even better, many of these opportunities ...


[thangk-fuhl]: adjective 1. feeling or expressing gratitude; appreciative. There may be nothing controversial, innovative, groundbreaking, novel, or unique about expressing gratitude this time of year, but that does not make it an insignificant or wasted expression. Time spent counting our ...
What Exactly is Daylight Savings Time?

What Exactly is Daylight Savings Time?

Although it has been a few weeks since we set our clocks back for Daylight Savings Time, the shortening daylight has us wondering once again... What exactly is Daylight Savings Time? Why do we do it? According to timeanddate.com, Daylight Savings Time (or DST, as the cool kids call it) is intended ...
Adults Can “Choose Kind,” Too

Adults Can “Choose Kind,” Too

Today at PA Virtual, one of our students led a presentation entitled “Choose Kind” as part of a month-long anti-bullying campaign spearheaded by our Guidance Counselors. The presentation led to a discussion among students about how to treat each other. A quick internet search on “choose kind” ...

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