Cyber Charter School Blog

PA Virtual School Newsroom

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Cyber High School  |  Insider  |  Insider Perspectives

What Does a Live Cyber Class Look Like at PA Virtual Charter School?

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Blog Feature

About Cyber Education  |  Insider Perspectives

District Cyber Schools vs Cyber Charter Schools

Cyber schools have certainly come to light in recent years! During the COVID-19 pandemic, families searched and learned about new avenues for their students. These unique pockets of learning were rediscovered by many and greatly appreciated. It was during these times that families realized their power in school choice. As a result, school districts either amplified or developed their own cyber schools. Families are again torn as they search for the correct path for their students. In this article, we will review the two types of cyber schools and their merits to help sort out the differences.

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Blog Feature

About Cyber Education  |  Insider Perspectives

Cyber Charter School Values and How They Help Your Child

When parents are looking for a school for their child — be it a cyber charter school or a brick-and-mortar model — they want to know that the teachers and staff are giving 100% each day! Valued employees are important to school success, and their work directly impacts students. In this blog post, Ms. Alcott, one of our academic support teachers, explores some key values in cyber schools and how these concepts benefit the entire school community!

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Blog Feature

About Cyber Education  |  Insider Perspectives

Behind the Scenes with a Cyber School Assistant Principal

What's it like being an assistant principal at a cyber charter school? We're celebrating Assistant Principal Appreciation Week with this insider's view from Ms. Afshari, whose experience spans brick-and-mortar settings, teaching in a cyber school, and now administration!

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Blog Feature

About Cyber Education  |  Insider Perspectives

Why You Should Consider Cyber Kindergarten for Your Child

What is kindergarten like in an online school? Find out what you can expect, what your child will learn, and more from cyber charter elementary teacher Ms. Bornancini!

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Blog Feature

About Cyber Education  |  Insider Perspectives

A Day in the Life of a High School Cyber Charter Teacher

Is high school different in a cyber school? Find out what it's like to teach at a cyber charter high school, featuring English teacher Ms. Slater!

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