Cyber Charter School Blog

PA Virtual School Newsroom

Katie Barnett

Blog Feature

Elementary School

The Advantages of Cyber Education for Elementary Schoolers: A Teacher's Perspective

Discussing my job with someone I’ve just met is always entertaining. I am often asked, “So… what do you do?” When I reply that I’m a cyber school teacher, I often get a blank stare or a confused look. I then explain that I’ve been a cyber school teacher for 18 years and have exclusively taught in lower elementary grades, primarily in Kindergarten and first grade. I have been teaching first grade for the past 10 years. At this point, I either get a more confused look or a nod and smirk of someone impressed by my statement. Regardless of the response, it always results in many questions and a deeper discussion. How does that work? Are the kids all at home? Do the kids sit still for you? What does that even look like? How many kids are in your class? Do you expect the kids to sit in front of a computer all day? You’ve been doing this for that long? My responses are typically pretty standardized, but for this blog, I will go into more detail about what my job entails daily and what my students hopefully experience in my classroom.

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Blog Feature

About Cyber Education

Role of Parents in Cyber Education: How Your Involvement Makes a Difference

The role of a parent in a child’s education cannot be emphasized enough. Parents are a child's first teacher, and children imitate what they know, especially in the younger formative years when a love or distaste for education can take root. Even as children grow into high school, parents continue this crucial role by providing guidance, support, and encouragement. Navigating the world of teenagers from a parent’s perspective is not easy. Academic challenges, social pressures, and making important decisions about the future can be daunting.

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Blog Feature

How Homeschooling & Cyber Schooling Changed Public Education

Traditional brick and mortar schools have long been the standard in education in the United States. The introduction of school choice along with the increase in popularity of charter schools and homeschooling has caused district schools to reevaluate their teaching methodology. The continued impact and implications of school choice only further the idea that different schooling options work for different learners. Having a variety of choices to meet the various needs of learners can only serve to positively impact educational paradigms overall.

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