Thousands of students each year realize that something isn’t working for them at their local school district, and they start looking for an alternative way to receive their education. If that’s where you are, and you’ve decided that a cyber charter school would be a great fit for you, you’ve come to the right place. You may be wondering, "How to convince my mom to let me do an online school?" This blog can help you prepare to talk with your mom (or dad) about making the choice to enroll at an online school.


Do Your Research First


Before you plan a time to talk with your mom, make sure you have done your research. Learn what you can about how your chosen school works and what your (and her) responsibilities will be. Will you have to attend online classes every day? What classes will you be taking? What supplies will you have to get? Gathering this information ahead of time can show mom that you have the self-direction needed to do well in a cyber model and also helps provide answers to some questions she will likely have.


Prepare Your “Why”


Mom is undoubtedly going to wonder why you want to make this change. Be prepared to discuss what’s not working for you at your current school. Since you’ve done research on what you hope is your future school, you can also explain how you think this choice can help with the challenges you’ve been facing.


Set Aside Some Uninterrupted Time to Talk


Making the change to a cyber school is a big decision, so it’s worth setting aside some distraction-free time to talk it over. Set your time and place, put down your phones, present the idea to your mom, and take the time to have a thorough conversation about it.


Read the Ultimate Guide to  Cyber Charter Schools!


Address Mom’s Concerns


Mom is likely to have a lot of questions about cyber school! You’ve done your research, so you have some of the answers already. Here are some questions you might hear from mom, and information that can help you get her the answers she needs.


Is it a “real” school?

Cyber charter schools are indeed “real” schools. They are public schools, so they are approved and monitored by the Department of Education and must meet the same curriculum requirements as all other public schools in the state. Teachers at these schools must be state-certified, and many of them have previous experience teaching in their local district. At PA Virtual, many of our teachers even have advanced degrees.


What about college – can you even get into college if you go to online school?

Students who graduate from cyber charter schools in PA go on to college, the military, or the workforce, just like students from your local school district. For students who choose a college path, the independence of the cyber model prepares them well for the self-reliance needed in college. Students who graduate from cyber schools are also eligible for scholarships; at PA Virtual, our seniors received over $1 million in scholarships in 2019. Learn more about high school at PA Virtual here.


We can’t afford it.

Because cyber charter schools are public schools and therefore funded via taxpayer dollars, there is no tuition cost to attend. Even better, the school provides all of the materials needed, including a laptop, printer, curricular materials, technology, and more. Many cyber charter schools, like PA Virtual, also provide a stipend to the family to help offset monthly internet costs.


I’m not a teacher; I can’t teach you at home!

It’s true that parent involvement is critical to the cyber model of education. A parent or other responsible adult must be at home with the child while they learn, so that they can provide extra help and guidance. However, many cyber schools offer live classes with a teacher, so that parents don’t have to feel like they are solely responsible for teaching their child.


Different schools have different options when it comes to live classes, but at PA Virtual, students in our live classes receive instruction from their teachers 4 days a week! We also provide parents with Learning Coach Guides, a resource they can go to when they aren’t sure how to help with a particular lesson. Our teachers also have online office hours, and we have drop-in homework help and tutoring available. Tell mom she doesn’t have to do it alone!


Okay, we know how to get you help, but what if I need help?

Many cyber schools have parent networks that provide support, especially to new families. At PA Virtual, our Parent Ambassadors offer Lunch & Learn Sessions, New Family 15’s, and even a mentoring program. There’s nothing better than connecting with a parent who is experienced with cyber schooling and knows the challenges as well as the victories.


Won’t you feel isolated, being at home all the time?

Cyber schools have come a long way since their inception and they know socialization is important. Most cyber schools organize field trips so students and staff can meet and spend time with one another. At PA Virtual, our regional outings occur all across the state each month during the school year. We’ve gone to museums, bowled a few frames at local bowling alleys, traveled to the past at a renaissance festival, and helped others through service events in our communities.


At the same time, PA Charter School law is designed so that you can still participate in extracurricular activities at your local school district. Activities like clubs, sports, and the arts are some extracurriculars that students continue to do while enrolled at a cyber school, and many cyber schools have virtual clubs of their own that students with similar interests enjoy. At PA Virtual, we have over 20 active clubs, including the Animal Club, Art Club, Book Club, Citizen Science Club, Gaming Club, and many more. You can see a full list of PA Virtual Clubs here.


Talk About the Benefits


You’ve presented your “why” and you’ve answered all of mom’s questions. Now bring it on home by pointing out these benefits:

  • You control the learning environment, so you can minimize distractions.
  • There are no worries about where you are during the day.
  • There’s no driving to or picking up from school. No snowy roads, no traffic jams, and maybe even a little more sleep in the mornings!
  • She gets to really see what you are learning each day and how you are progressing.


Not Every Path to Graduation is the Same


Remind mom that it’s okay for you to take a different path. Over 35,000 students in Pennsylvania alone have chosen a cyber school for their education. Every student is different and has different learning needs; cyber schools provide families the opportunity to work with their child’s differences rather than against them.


As you go through the process of making a decision about cyber school, remember that your parents want what is best for you and changing your school is a big decision. If you or your parent would like additional information on cyber charter schools, take a look at the The Ultimate Guide to Attending a Cyber Charter School In PA.


Get your copy of the Ultimate Guide to Attending Cyber Charters in PA by clicking here