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PA Virtual Charter School Celebrates the Class of 2024!

PA Virtual Charter School Celebrates the Class of 2024!

Cyber High School


Lancaster, PA - PA Virtual Charter School is delighted to announce the graduation of the 2024 class. The graduation ceremony was hosted at the Wyndham Lancaster Resort & Convention Center June 7th and honored the achievements of the over 200 graduates from PA Virtual's senior class.

Dr. Debra Heath-Thornton, CEO of PA Virtual Charter School, commended the graduates for their resilience and adaptability. "You have mastered the academics and developed the talents that will take you far into the future. You are leading the pack. Your adeptness with technology and your capability to cultivate and maintain virtual relationships are crucial pillars for your achievements that lie ahead."


Dr. Heath-Thornton encouraged the graduates to embrace the new beginnings that lie ahead: "Today is your day. Just remember that 'commencement' means 'beginning.' So, on behalf of PA Virtual Charter School, congratulations on a job well done as you begin taking steps toward the fruitful and productive path that lies ahead."


Many students expressed excitement for their graduation day as well. "It makes me feel a great sense of accomplishment. I feel really proud of myself today stand here." said Priscilla Rosado, who plans to start a career in music, as well as study education and eventually become a music teacher.

"I'm looking forward to not being in a classroom at 8am!" graduate Alexis Wuchter joked, "But I'm looking forward to using what I learned at PA Virtual to own my own business."

As the Class of 2024 steps into the future, PA Virtual Charter School wishes them all the best in their endeavors. The graduates have shown remarkable resilience and dedication, and the entire PA Virtual community is proud to have been a part of their journey.  

If you would like to view the graduation ceremony or see a highlight video, you can find them on PA Virtual's YouTube Page



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