Sniffle season is upon us, and our nurses here are PA Virtual have a few tips on how to stay healthy this winter! In traditional brick and mortar schools, the common cold spreads very quickly this time of year. Cyber school students may be at an advantage when it comes to consistent exposure to germs, but that does not mean they won’t get sick. PA Virtual school nurse, Christina Woltjen has a few tips and tricks for students on how to stay healthy this winter:

  • Hand washing is the #1 way to prevent spread of all germs – hand sanitizer is a great substitute if you are in a pinch, but there is no substitute for washing your hands with soap and warm water.
  • National Flu Shot Week is December 6-12! PA Virtual nurses can do lots of amazing things for our students, but they are NOT licensed to administer the flu shot. If you are interested in getting one, consult your family physician or visit your local pharmacy to learn more about the benefits of getting a flu shot to prevent this deadly virus.
  • Use the 24 hour rule! If you aren’t feeling well 24 hours before a PA Virtual outing (or any other social, community or holiday event) consider your options before you go. Resting for a day can speed up your recovery, and prevents your friends from getting sick as well.
  • Even if you don’t feel sick, always use “cover your cough” etiquette – if a tissue isn’t available cough into your elbow to avoid the spread of air borne germs to others around you.


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