Fall is fast approaching and we are excited to welcome all new and returning students back to PA Virtual. How can parents help make sure students are as prepared as possible and set up for success this school year? Here are a few tips and tricks!

  1. Establish a work space and schedule for your student: Cyber school can be flexible, but the most successful students establish a schedule and stick to it. Balancing live classes with homework and community, or extracurricular activities takes time, but you can do it! Designating a space where your student can work free of distractions will also help them focus and get back into school mode.
  2. Get involved: Each month PA Virtual’s Family Support Coordinators host events around the state where PA Virtual families can network and socialize. These events are great for students, but also great for parents who can meet other cyber parents and become a part of an engaging support network. This month, our Back to School picnics will bring families together in over a dozen different counties.

  3. Understand the expectations: Cyber school parents can expect to be hands on when it comes to their online educational experience. This will of course vary by age, but having a basic understanding of the learning management systems (Blackboard) and programs the school uses (Microsoft Word/PowerPoint /Excel) will go a long way when it comes to helping out. PA Virtual challenges students to become more accountable and work independently, but not without some parent guidance!

  4. Ask for help: New to cyber school? We’ve been there! Our Parent Ambassador Program helps out new families by matching them with veteran Learning Coaches, based on their child’s educational needs, grade level and general geographical location. To request a mentor, just fill out this form and our staff will contact you to see how they can help!

  5. Start your day off with a great breakfast: We always hear that breakfast is the most important meal of the day for young students, but parents tend to skip out on breakfast. Treat yourself to some fresh fruit with your morning cup of Joe to kick start your day.

Parents – we want you to join the conversation! What tips would you give other parents who are getting ready to go back to school? Let us know in the comments below!


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